Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Gideon turned 18 months on the first and Ayla 1 month on the 2nd - they sure do grow fast! I can't believe it's already been a month since we welcomed our precious girl into the world. It's been so much fun watching her learn and take in her surroundings. Gideon really has taken to her - he's such a great big brother and tries so hard to help. His newest thing is trying to drag the car seat out the door with her in it when we are getting ready to leave. It's quite funny to watch - especially because he actually can drag it. He is one strong little boy! One of my new favorite things is sitting outside on the patio with Ayla watching Gideon play in the yard with his toys, the dogs and the sprinkler. It's so relaxing to enjoy the weather and just spend time with my kids. These are the moments I cherish. Plus they sure do love being outside - even Ayla!

Aren't they so cute? They melt my heart all the time. I don't know what I ever did without them - really - life must sure have been boring. It's such a joy having children! Tyler and I are so blessed to be parents!

Whether it's simply hanging out on the couch together, playing in the back yard, going on a family outing, chasing your kids through a store because they won't sit still, telling them over and over not to touch something as they give you a "huh?" look, changing diapers, trying to get out the door to go somewhere, cleaning up spit up...parenthood is a joy at all times. I've decided you just have to learn to laugh at it all - including yourself - AND drink lots of coffee. There are very organized days (which I have yet to really discover, lol), there are crazy out of control days and there are even simple peaceful days - but  laughing is the key. If it weren't for the joy of the Lord and the laughter he has given me I am not sure I'd make it most days...I'd probably go insane. Parenting a busy toddler and a brand new baby is definitely a challenge, but a challenge I take on joyfully. I can already tell many stories of how much I've had to "laugh" already in just a few weeks of having 2  kids (stories coming, I promise). Or how many cups of coffee I've had to just keep up with everything from toddler fun to feedings to trying to keep the house in order (so failing at that right now - but that's where GRACE comes in). I am learning new things daily about myself, about my kids, my husband and about the Lord. The Lord is my strength when I just can't do it anymore, my rock when I am falling apart, my grace when I fail and it just isn't my day, my provider when we are tight on money, my counselor when it comes to parenting, my listener when I need to vent, my comforter when I want to cry because I am so worn out, my friend when I just need someone and my giver of joy and laughter - which I need daily. Parenting isn't easy, but it's one of the greatest rewards in life. And without my Savior, I couldn't do it, we couldn't do it. He is the reason I am a mother, the reason I have beautiful amazing children, the reason I breathe and live. As my blog title reads (at least for us), it most definitely takes faith, love, laughter, coffee...and most importantly THE raise a family. And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

She's here!!

We are so excited to finally welcome into our family our precious baby girl...

Ayla Noelle Wolfe
Born April 2, 2013 @ 1:56am
6 lbs. 15 oz. - 19 inches

Labor began bright and early at 6am on April 1st - and let me tell you it was very different than with Gideon. Yes you would think the second time around I'd know what I was doing, but as they say, every pregnancy is different. It wasn't so bad at first but the whole timing contractions and knowing when to go to the hospital was quite confusing. I think I texted friends several times and called the nurse 3 or 4... Labor went on most of the day, progressing slowly in my mind, but Ayla was definitely getting ready to come. About 9:30pm I just knew it was about time - my parents came to get Gideon and we were off to have our little girl. From that point on until she came it seemed to move quickly and forward...all I could think about was holding her, welcoming her into our family and of course couldn't wait for her to meet her big brother. Our family was about to become 4....

About 15-20 mins before her arrival she began to stress a bit so the nurse came in to check. She tried twice to get her to move and then realized...SHE'S READY! Dr. Glassberg and the other nurses came quickly and in less than 5 mins and 2 pushes...the sound of Ayla's sweet cry was heard as she was handed to me. What a beautiful moment! I remember thinking she was very small and petite, tiny features, big blue eyes, just perfect. Becoming a mom for the 2nd time around....absolutely amazing! 
I am so blessed to have two wonderful children! 

It's been three years since Tyler and I lost our first baby due to miscarriage...but it's also been three years since the Lord promised us a family and my faith grew leaps and bounds through our first child. I would not be the mom I am today without that journey. The Lord is SO GOOD and when He promises, He fulfills - and let me tell you, He fulfills over and beyond what you can even imagine. I never thought back then that Tyler and I would have the beautiful little blessings that we have now. Gideon is growing and changing each day, learning all new things and making us laugh. He is a bundle of fun and so smart. And Ayla, even though she is only 2 weeks old, has already captured our hearts with her loving eyes and beautiful smile.

We are so grateful to have a Father in Heaven who loves us so much to bless us with such perfect gifts. The feeling of being a mom and a dad is indescribable. We are so glad SHE IS HERE! We are so EXCITED to have our sweet family of four. It's been a busy few years, full of ups and downs. At times we weren't sure how we were going to provide for another child at this time and continue serving in the youth group and everything else, but the Lord is SO GOOD. He has provided in more ways than we could think of, in surprising ways, in new ways, in His way. We give all glory and honor and praise to Him. He is our provider, our hope, our Father, our counselor, our everything - I could go on and on.

The Lord gave us an absolutely perfect son and now a perfect daughter...

For more photos of our growing family and new adventure check out our online photo album too!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A New Adventure Begins...

So it's been AGES since I wrote, and to be honest I never really got started (notice only 2 posts before lol). However, with a new baby coming soon I thought it'd be fun to restart this so you can follow our new adventures as a family of four. Our stories will still include our faith, love and laughter...and MOST DEFINITELY coffee - I mean 2 kids under the age of 2, how can it not include lots of coffee? 

So to catch you up...

Tyler is now working for my grandmother's business on the marketing side. The job switch has been a huge blessing to our family and we are so grateful for it. Plus, it's kind of cool to be a part of the family business. I am busy as a stay at home mom with a 17 month old and being 1 week from my due date with our bay girl. Most days are spent laughing and chasing a very busy little boy. I also have been given the opportunity to help my mom launch an online women's magazine ( - it's a blessing and joy to be a part of my mom's vision...really praying the Lord rewards her faithfulness and obedience. It's fun to create the website and build it and work with my mom. We are also youth pastors of Souled Out Youth at our church. It's such an honor and so much fun to be able to serve the kingdom together as a couple. And our team is absolutely amazing! We are so thankful for them! It definitely keeps us busy, but we get to take Gideon with us so that's a plus. We hope to instill in him from a young age a passion to serve the Lord at all times and in all things. I am also on the worship team - on of my favorites in life. I can't even begin to express the joy of being on such an awesome team and having the honor of helping to lead others into the presence of the Lord. Worship to me is so powerful and where I really connect with Christ. One of the best parts is seeing my son already loving music, worship and instruments. What a joy!

But enough about Tyler and I...Gideon is who I am sure you'd rather hear about....

Well he is 17 months on April 1st and growing each day in so many ways. Probably the best part about this stage is the learning of language. He talks non-stop, says new words all the time and it's so much fun to all of sudden hear a clear word. He has even started putting together 2 words like "are you?" for where are you or "oh no" or the latest and quite funniest "oh gross!" He is so proud of it too! We have also hit the climbing stage - now that keeps you on your toes. He thinks he can climb the flat wall at times too. The nursery is now a big boy room and he really loves playing in it - balls and sticks are his favorite toys, but he does really enjoy books too. I love nighttime reading with him before bed - he really gets a kick out of finding things on the pages and copying the facial expressions of the characters. We are having a blast seeing the world through his eyes. I could go on and on about our little man, but then it'd probably be a book and he's not even 2 yet.

But time sure does fly...just seeing how much he has changed in one year is crazy and exciting yet sad all at the same time. From a tiny infant to a chubby baby (don't you just love those cheeks) to a little boy who is full of laughter, adventure, fun, excitement and curiosity...We are so proud of him!!!

Park (left) & Easter Egg Hunt (right)- 3.22.13/3.23.13

What an honor it is to be parents! It's a blessing that we could have never imagined. We learn more and more each day about the Lord and about ourselves through the eyes of a little boy. We are so grateful for the gift of Gideon James...and we can't wait to welcome our baby girl. Ayla Noelle, any day. It sure will be fun seeing Gideon be a big brother, watching Ayla grow and just learning to be a family of four. Let the new adventure begin...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Galatians 5:13-25

Well this blog is sure slow coming....I told myself I would write daily or at least weekly, but definitely not happening...oh well, that's life right? Every day is different, every hour brings something new, and someday maybe I'll get there but for now I am just enjoying being a mom and seeing where that takes me each day. 

Gideon sure has changed a lot and grown in so many ways. We have hit so many milestones in the past month. He is grabbing toys and playing with them, holding himself up on his tummy, sleeping through the night (7 hours!), sleeping in pack n play not the car seat, starting to nap on a schedule, falling asleep on his own when put in bed, beginning to laugh out loud, even standing for a few seconds (he might just walk before he crawls). Plus he has learned to scream and I mean a deep grunting scream...for fun! Not sure why it's so fun, sounds like it is hurting his throat to me, but he thinks it is and that's all that counts. 


We have also learned that he LOVES BASKETBALL! We have watched several games on TV and his focus never leaves the screen. He even screams during the games. It's hilarious! Guess he definitely takes after his mom AND dad in his love for basketball and sports in general. We even took him to his first Texas basketball game....oh what fun! The lights, the action, the crowd, he loved it all...and then he feel asleep. But it was so great!

Gideon is definitely growing in so many ways! He is been a busy little boy, as you can tell. I can't believe he will turn 4 months tomorrow! It seems like yesterday we were headed to the hospital to have him. I sure love being a mom and watching my little man learn and take in everything around him. I love it all, but it reminds me how fast they change and grow and how every moment is SO important. I am quickly learning more and more about not taking things for granted in life. It's so great to be taught by a 4 month old what it truly means to LOVE unconditionally, to SERVE daily without complaint, to LAUGH at everything, to have FAITH in those around you and in the Lord (babies know nothing less than to just trust), and of course to enjoy those COFFEE or little moments in life. 

I have learned through the eyes of a little boy how fast life moves, that life (as my mom says) is a river full of bends, turns, stagnant times, coves, deep and shallow, etc. But it's during all those moments and changes that we are shaped and tested and educated & it's how we respond in those times that show true character. God doesn't just give us fruit, He gives us opportunity to produce that fruit....and let me tell you, every day being a mom is an opportunity to do just that. I am learning more and more about the Fruits of the Spirit and what it means to walk by the Spirit.  When I am tired from no sleep will I choose to have JOY through it, when the crying is unbearable will I choose PEACE & PATIENCE & have SELF-CONTROL, in times where he doesn't listen (especially as he gets older) will I be KIND, GOOD & GENTLE with him, when I don't know what's wrong or he is sick will I show FAITHFULNESS that God has it under control and I don't need to worry, and at all times will I choose to LOVE? I sure hope so!!

I am human, I am a sinner, I fall short every day of being who God created me to be, but I do know I was created to be a mom and do the very best I can at it and I do know that Christ lives in me and through him I can do all things (Phil. 4:13). I am by no means the perfect mom or do I choose to bear fruit every day, but I do know I have a PERFECT father who loves me, who loves my son, who loves my family. We are redeemed in Him through the cross, we are set free from sin and death if we so choose to follow Him. I am truly blessed and honored that He would allow me to raise Gideon, to be a mom, to be used by Him for His kingdom. What an amazing God we serve! I am only the best mom I can be for Gideon when I am walking in the spirit, when I am seeking Christ. Lord I pray I can do that daily! Help me!
Today my prayer for you and for me is that we CHOOSE to follow Christ with all our heart and soul and mind and body and spirit. That we let Him guide us every day. That He comes FIRST in our lives. That in all circumstances we choose to bear fruit for the kingdom. That in all we do we choose love and know that the Lord loves us...that we choose HIM.

Friday, November 25, 2011


So you know that list of things you want to do, but never seem to get to, your "to do to do" list? Well that's where blogging has been for a long time, waiting to be checked off. Why you might ask?  For starters, wasn't sure what to write, where to begin, how often to write, who would want to read it, etc. I mean would blogging really be worth my time? But mainly, I couldn't think of a fun title. Yes, I know, it's only a title, but I wanted something fun, catchy, that somehow summed up our little family and the content of this blog. I sort of wanted a theme - I guess I am a little OCD :) So I thought, thought, asked others for ideas, thought some more...and finally it came to me...THE WOLFE HOME....

FAITH - because we are a family centered on Christ, a family that believes in the Word of God, a family that enjoys spending time worshiping, reading the Bible, and serving the Lord daily together, but most of all a family that loves sharing their faith with others.

LOVE - because love is a key component in our family, in our life...and we are called to  "walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us" (Ephesians 5:2), each and every day.

LAUGHTER - because "laughter is the best medicine," it is contagious, relaxing and fun OR as my husband likes to ask me, "Aren't you glad you get to laugh everyday?" Isn't he funny? :) Well, he does definitely make me laugh, we laugh together, we laugh at each other...and I am sure we do things that make others laugh too. It's been a part of our relationship since the beginning and it will continue to be a part of our family.

AND...COFFEE - need I say more?? If you know us well you know we love is a simple joy in life that we share...Tyler and his iced mocha, me and my vanilla latte. Most husbands might bring their wives flowers, mine brings me coffee But it's the conversations and the memories we have made while drinking coffee or hanging out in a coffee shop on a date when that's all we could afford, that makes coffee so special to us.

Tyler and I have been together almost 8 years now (wow time flies), we've been married for 3, and we now have a wonderful baby boy, Gideon James (born 11.1.11). We have many memories to look back at, fun times to talk about, faith stories to write and much more. God has been so faithful, and we want to share that with everyone around us. We hope you can learn from our mistakes, are inspired by our faith, relate to us through our experiences, connect with us in laughter, and most of all we hope you see the Lord through it all. Join us as we continue to let these items unfold, share our story, our life and of course, share FAITH, LOVE, LAUGHTER...& COFFEE with you.

So there's us in a "coffee bean."
